Een onderzoek van toont aan dat mobiele telefonie-gebruikers in het Verenigd Koninkrijk en in Amerika steeds vaker content uploaden naar social networking sites zoals MySpace. Natuurlijk komt het nog niet in de buurt van SMS qua gebruik (85%), maar 4% (VK) en 6% (USA) zijn toch al wezenlijke cijfers. MySpace neemt het leeuwendeel voor zijn/haar rekening, zowel in VK (21%) als in de USA (32%).
UPDATE: via Yesterday, inCode Telecom Group Inc. announced its “Top 10 Global Wireless Predictions for 2007”. Topping the list as the number one trend for wireless operators in 1007 is Social Networking:
“Social Networking Gets Mobilized. Mobility is added to existing Internet business models, services and behaviors, driving traffic for wireless operators. Teens and twenties accustomed to constant connectivity and habit-forming Web sites, such as MySpace and Facebook, lead a wave of membership in mobile social networks. Location social networking including friend and event finder services gain popularity, even in the professional and over-50 segments. Google, Yahoo and Skype are more compelling for users than wireless brands, which are hard-pressed to compete. As customer appetites for social data and video services spike, wireless operators offer more “all you can eat” pricing for high-end data packages. Social networking applications initially are preloaded on many mobile devices sold and later become downloadable.”
Technorati tags: online communities, social networking