Recent heb ik LinkedInFast toegevoegd aan dit weblog, een manier om sneller te kunnen connecten via LinkedIn, ook als je het emailadres niet weet van de betreffende persoon. Het is geen lang leven beschoren, want Allen Blue, VP Product Strategy van LinkedIn meldt dat zij hier een stokje voor gaan steken.
Hello everyone,
Some of you are probably familiar with an auto-invitation link that has been making the rounds on blogs and in discussions. It allows anyone to set up a link which, when clicked, causes the so called click-er to send an invitation to anyone.
This Friday, we will be updating our software to prevent this link from working.
We have to do this because we are committed to the privacy of our users, and their
comfortable use of LinkedIn. This link can cause a completely unexpected action if not explicitly labeled, and the sender is left surprised that they have invited — and exposed their email address — to a stranger.I know that nobody here is abusing this link. And for the most part, people are labeling it very clearly with what it does. But there is no way we can ensure that this link will be properly labeled, or that it is being used responsibly. And we have received complaints from users who clicked both well-labeled and poorly-labeled links.
We cannot allow a loophole which will cause one of our members to unexpectedly send an invitation and their email address to a stranger. We have got to keep user privacy at the top of our list.
You are some of our closest and most valuable members. You’re also the most likely to be effected by this change. So we wanted to make sure you knew what, when and why. Thanks for your understanding,
-Allen Blue
VP Product Strategy, LinkedIn
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